Ordering School Dinners Arrangements

Annwyl Rieni /Warchodwyr,

Mae Chartwells wedi darparu’r daflen archebu atodol ar eich cyfer. Mae’n rhaid i chi ‘sgrifennu ar yr amlen beth yw enw a dewis eich plentyn ar gyfer pob diwrnod maent am gael cinio Ysgol, torri’r wythnos berthnasol a danfon i’r Ysgol yn amlen arwahan i’r arian ffrwyth. Mae’r amlenni yma yn mynd yn syth i Chartwells felly os oes arian ffrwyth ynddo ni fydd yn cael ei gofnodi yn erbyn eich plentyn.

**Plant Cinio am Ddim :- Fe fydd angen i chi nodi dewis eich plant ar y bonyn bwydlen a’i ddanfon mewn amlen.

Os na fyddwch yn archebu cinio i’ch plentyn wythnos o flaen llaw ni fydd cinio Ysgol ar gyfer eich plentyn.

Dear Parents / Guardians,

Chartwells have provided you with the attached order form. You must write on the envelope what is your child’s name and choice for every day they wish to have school dinners, cut out the relevant week and send to school in a separate envelope to fruit money. These envelopes go straight to Chartwells therefore if there is fruit money in the envelope it will not be recorded against your child.

**Children Eligible fo Free School Dinners:- You will need to record your child’s choice of a main meal a week in advance as above.

If you do not order a week in advance there will not be a School Dinner available for your child.

Yr eiddoch yn gywir,
Yours Sincerely,

Mrs Lona Jones-Campbell (Pennaeth / Head Teacher)


  1. 3greeting on January 5, 2022 at 8:26 pm
