Llythr Cyn Hanner Tymor / Letter before half term
Annwyl Rieni /Warchodwyr,
Nodyn i’ch atgoffa ni fydd ysgol i blant ar y 4ydd a’r 5ed o Dachwedd, plant yn dychwelyd ar Ddydd Mercher y 6ed o Dachwedd. Cofiwch ddanfon amlen cinio gyda’ch plentyn i’r ysgol ar fore Ddydd Mercher y 6ed gydag archeb yr wythnos ganlynol. Plant cinio am Ddim :- Fe fydd angen i chi ddanfon nodyn i ddweud pa fwyd mae eich plentyn am gael yr wythnos ganlynol . Fe fydd y plant yn dod a’u bagiau ymarfer corff adref heddiw rhaid eu dychwelyd ar ôl hanner tymor.
Cofiwch 12/11/13 – Gweithgaredd Ffrindiau – Amser Stori Amser Gwely 3:30 – 4:30
Diolch i chi gyd am eich cyfraniadau diolchgarwch – 25 o fagiau wedi eu casglu ar gyfer banc bwyd Casnewydd. Braf oedd cael cwmni cymaint ohonoch yn y disco a diolch am eich help gyda’r gwaith peintio a phlannu. Fe fydd diweddariad ar ein gwefan maes o law am yr holl waith – cadwch lygad am ddatblygiadau’r ‘stafell borffor! Diolch am yr holl roddion o baent ar gyfer y gwaith peintio.
Hoffwn eich hysbysu am weithgareddau Menter Casnewydd yn ystod yr hanner tymor :- Clwb Sbort a Sbri – Dydd Llun i Ddydd Gwener a hefyd Sesiwn Stori Darllen Difyr bore Llun yn y Llyfrgell Ganolog rhwng 10 ac 11. Mae’r wybodaeth i gyd ar wefan y Fenter sef www.menteriaithcasnewydd.org ac ar ei tudalen Facebook hefyd. Ffonio 07970 304219 am wybodaeth. Mwynhewch y Gwyliau!
Dear Parents / Guardians,
Just a reminder that there is no school for children on the 4th and 5th of November, children return on Wednesday the 6th of November. Remember to send an envelope on Monday morning the 6th of November along with your order for the following week. Free School Dinners:- You will need to send a note to request your child’s choice of a main meal a week in advance as above. The children will be bringing their PE kit home today they must be returned after half term.
Remember 12/11/13 – Ffrindiau Activity – Bed Time Stories 3:30 – 4:30.
Thank you very much for your thanksgiving contributions – 25 bags were collected for the Newport Food Bank. It was a joy to have the company of so many families at the disco and thanks for all your help with the painting and planting work. There will be updates soon on our website about all the work – look out for developments on the purple room! Thank you for all the paint that has been donated!
We would like to notify you of Menter Casnewydd’s activities during the half term :- Sbort a Sbri Club – Monday to Friday as well as a story session on Monday morning in the central library between 10 and 11. All the information is on their website www.menteriaithcasnewydd.org as well as their Facebook page. Phone 07970 304219 for further details. Enjoy the Holidays!
Yr eiddoch yn gywir, Yours Sincerely
Mrs Lona Jones-Campbell (Pennaeth / Head Teacher)