Site news
Ysgol Gymraeg Bro Teyrnon moved to the Brynglas site in September. Previously, the centre –now a satellite ofMaesEbbwSchool– was part of an English-language primary school.
Parents at the centre were consulted about the new arrangements and these discussions have been on-going.
As the children in Ysgol Gymraeg Bro Teyrnon are encouraged to speak Welsh at all times, including at break times, it was agreed the ASD pupils would eat lunch in the centre until all parents had expressed a preference.
During the autumn term it was suggested that they could use the hall for lunch after Ysgol Gymraeg Bro Teyrnon pupils but the majority of parents at that time preferred the status quo.
Parents are able to discuss any concerns with the schools and changes could be made in future if that is their wish.
Both schools enjoy an excellent relationship and share many facilities. Plans for further collaboration between the two schools are already well-advanced.
Teachers at the centre have not reported any negative impact or deterioration in behaviour since the new arrangements began.
A joint statement from Maes Ebbw School and Ysgol Gymraeg Bro Teyrnon
Annwyl Rieni / Warchodwyr,
Diolch am gefnogi ein helusennau’r tymor hwn. Casglwyd £46 ar gyfer Apel Corwynt Hayian, £46 i Blant Mewn Angen a chyflwynwyd 30 bag o fwyd i Fanc Bwyd Casnewydd! Cefnogaeth Ardderchog yn wir! Newyddion cyffrous mae’r ystafell borffor wedi ei thrawsnewid diolch i gefnogaeth ein holl gymuned! Diolch yn fawr iawn i chi gyd!
Hoffwn eich hatgoffa os fe fyddwch chi’n cyrraedd yn hwyr mae’n bwysig bod pawb yn dod drwy’r brif fynedfa nid mynedfa’r meithrin.
Lluniau Ysgol – 25/11/13 Os hoffech i frodyr / chwiorydd gael llun gyda’ch plentyn sydd yn Ysgol Gymraeg Bro Teyrnon a fedrwch chi gysylltu â ni drwy e-bost erbyn y 21ain o Dachwedd. Dyma’r lluniau cyntaf a fydd yn cael eu tynnu – slot amser rhwng 8:45 9:30.
Ffair Nadolig – 13eg o Ragfyr 6:00 – 7:30 dewch i’n
cefnogi. Eitemau / Cyfraniadau :- fe fyddwn ni’n casglu y potiau pwdinau
“gu” i greu anrhegion ynghyd a pheli Nadolig. Manylion pellach i
Sioe Nadolig – 11/12/13 – Yn ystod bore’r sioe fe fydd addurn
Nadolig i’w gososd ar fwrdd ar werth. Gwerthfawrogwn gyfraniadau o mins
peis – danfonwch i’r ysgol erbyn y 9/12/13.
DVD Sioe Nadolig: Rydyn ni’n creu a gwerthu DVD o’r sioe Nadolig ynghyd â lluniau o’r plant yn eu gwisgoedd a negeseuon gan y plant i Sion Corn. Rydyn ni angen caniatâd gan bob rhiant i alluogi’r prosiect i fynd yn ei flaen. Os rydyn ni’n derbyn un gwrthwynebiad yna ni fyddwn yn parhau gyda’r prosiect. Fe fydd hwn yn anrheg Nadolig perffaith! Fe fydd y DVD yn costio £5. Os oes ganddoch chi wrthwynebiad i ni ffilmio eich plentyn yna e-bostiwch yr ysgol erbyn prynhawn Dydd Gwener (22/11/13) 3 o’r gloch yr hwyraf!
Cystadleuaeth Cardiau Nadolig – Peidiwch a thaflu eich cardiau Nadolig oherwydd rydyn ni’n mynd i fod yn rhan o gystadleuaeth ail-gylchu cardiau Nadolig. Gofynnwch i’ch teulu, ffrindiau a chymdogion i gadw eu cardiau ar eich cyfer ym mis Ionawr. Rydyn ni angen tua 650 o gardiau’r plentyn.
Diolch i pawb oedd yn bresennol Nos Llun, rydyn ni’n balch iawn o berffomiad ein disgyblion
Diolch am eich cydweithrediad
Yr eiddoch yn gywir,
Mrs Lona Jones-Campbell (Pennaeth)
Dear Parents / Guardians
Thank you very much for supporting our charities this term. We raised £46 for the Hayian Typhoon Appeal, £46 for Children in Need and 30 bags of food were donated to the Newport Food Bank! Excellent support indeed! Exciting news indeed the purple room has been transformed thanks to the support of our whole community! Thank you very much to you all!
We would like to remind you if you arrive late it’s important that you use the main entrance not the nursery entrance.
School Photos – 25/11/13 If you wish photos of younger siblings to be taken with the children who attend Ysgol Gymraeg Bro Teyrnon could you please notify the school via e-mail by the 21st of November. They will be the first photos to be taken – an early slot will given between 8:45 – 9:30.
CHRISTMAS FAYRE – 13th of December 6:00 – 7:30 please come and support us. Items / Donations for the fayre :- we will be collecting the little “gu” pudding glasses to create gifts as well as Christmas baubles. Further details to follow.
Christmas Show – 11/12/13 – During the children’s Christmas show there will be Christmas table arrangements for sale to raise funds for the school. Donations of mince pies would be very much appreciated – please send to school by 9/12/13
DVD of the Christmas Show: We will be creating and selling a DVD of the Christmas show along with photos of all the children in their costumes and special messages from the children to Santa. We need permission from all parents for this to take place. If we have one objection the project cannot go ahead. This will be an ideal Christmas gift! Cost of the DVD will be £5. If you do object for your child to be filmed could you please e-mail the school by Friday afternoon (22/11/13) – 3 o’clock at the latest!
Christmas Cards – Please don’t throw away any cards as we have entered a Christmas card recycling competition. Ask your family, friends and neighbours to keep their cards for you in January! We need 650 Christmas cards per child!!
Thanks to everyone who attended on Monday evening, we were very proud of our children’s performance.
Thank you for your co-operation.
Yours Sincerely,
Mrs Lona Jones-Campbell (Head Teacher)
Annwyl Rieni /Warchodwyr,
Ysgrifennaf i’ch hysbysu fe fydd angen i’r plant gyrraedd Sefydliad y Lyasght, Orb Drive, erbyn 6:15 ar Nos Lun y 18fed o Dachwedd. Fe fydd angen i’r plant wisgo eu gwisg ysgol ac fe fydd angen i oedolyn fod yn bresennol gyda’r plant. Siaradwraig Wadd y cyfarfod cyhoeddus yw Dr. Christine James – Archdderwydd. Hoffwn gael mwy o blant yn rhan o’r grŵp canu os yn bosib.
Dear Parents / Guardians,
writing to inform you that the children will need to arrive at The
Lysaght Institute, Orb Drive, by 6:15 on Monday evening the 18th of
October. The children will need to wear their school uniform and an
adult needs to be present with their child. Guest Speaker at the public
meeting is Dr. Christine James – Archdruid. We would like a few more children to be part on the singing group if possible
plant sydd ar ein rhestr sy’n gallu dod – os nad yw enw eich plentyn ar
y rhestr ac rydych chi’n bwriadu dod cysylltwch gyda’r ysgol yfory.
are the children on our list that can attend– if your child’s name is
not on the list and you intend to come contact us tomorrow.
- Sophia Lucas
- Evie Parsons-Harewood
- Cory Tracy
- Lilly Baker
- Evie May Oldfield
- Lexi Hemmings
- Elise Pollock
- Judy Addiena
Yr eiddoch yn gywir, Yours Sincerely,
Mrs Lona Jones-Campbell
(Pennaeth / Head Teacher)
Annwyl Rieni /Warchodwyr,
Mae Chartwells wedi darparu’r daflen archebu atodol ar eich cyfer. Mae’n rhaid i chi ‘sgrifennu ar yr amlen beth yw enw a dewis eich plentyn ar gyfer pob diwrnod maent am gael cinio Ysgol, torri’r wythnos berthnasol a danfon i’r Ysgol yn amlen arwahan i’r arian ffrwyth. Mae’r amlenni yma yn mynd yn syth i Chartwells felly os oes arian ffrwyth ynddo ni fydd yn cael ei gofnodi yn erbyn eich plentyn.
**Plant Cinio am Ddim :- Fe fydd angen i chi nodi dewis eich plant ar y bonyn bwydlen a’i ddanfon mewn amlen.
Os na fyddwch yn archebu cinio i’ch plentyn wythnos o flaen llaw ni fydd cinio Ysgol ar gyfer eich plentyn.
Dear Parents / Guardians,
Chartwells have provided you with the attached order form. You must write on the envelope what is your child’s name and choice for every day they wish to have school dinners, cut out the relevant week and send to school in a separate envelope to fruit money. These envelopes go straight to Chartwells therefore if there is fruit money in the envelope it will not be recorded against your child.
**Children Eligible fo Free School Dinners:- You will need to record your child’s choice of a main meal a week in advance as above.
If you do not order a week in advance there will not be a School Dinner available for your child.
Yr eiddoch yn gywir,
Yours Sincerely,
Mrs Lona Jones-Campbell (Pennaeth / Head Teacher)
Plant Mewn Angen a Thrychineb Corwynt Haiyan
Children in Need and Typhoon Haiyan Disaster
Annwyl Rieni /Warchodwyr,
Nodyn i’ch atgoffa ei bod hi’n ddiwrnod Plant Mewn Angen ar Ddydd Gwener y 15fed o Dachwedd. Dewch i’r ysgol yn eich pyjamas! £1 tuag at gasgliad Helpu Eraill.
Ar ôl trafodaethau gyda’r plant maent wedi penderfynu ei bod am gasglu arian i gefnogi pobl yn y Philippines a Phlant Mewn Angen. Fe fyddwn yn rhannu arian ein casgliad rhwng Diwrnod Plant Mewn Angen a Chronfa Trychineb Corwynt Haiyan. Nodwch yn glir ar eich amlen os nad ydych am i ni haneri’r arian.
Dear Parents / Guardians,
Just a reminder that it’s Children in Need Day on Friday the 15th of November. Come to school in your pyjamas! £1 towards the collection to Help Others.
After having discussions with the children they have decided to collect money for the people in the Philippines and Children in Need. We will be sharing the money collected between Children in Need and the Typhoon Haiyan Disaster. Please record clearly on your envelope if you don’t wish for the money to be shared.
Yr eiddoch yn gywir,
Yours Sincerely,
Mrs Lona Jones-Campbell
(Pennaeth / Head Teacher)
Annwyl Rieni /Warchodwyr,
Nodyn i’ch atgoffa ni fydd ysgol i blant ar y 4ydd a’r 5ed o Dachwedd, plant yn dychwelyd ar Ddydd Mercher y 6ed o Dachwedd. Cofiwch ddanfon amlen cinio gyda’ch plentyn i’r ysgol ar fore Ddydd Mercher y 6ed gydag archeb yr wythnos ganlynol. Plant cinio am Ddim :- Fe fydd angen i chi ddanfon nodyn i ddweud pa fwyd mae eich plentyn am gael yr wythnos ganlynol . Fe fydd y plant yn dod a’u bagiau ymarfer corff adref heddiw rhaid eu dychwelyd ar ôl hanner tymor.
Cofiwch 12/11/13 – Gweithgaredd Ffrindiau – Amser Stori Amser Gwely 3:30 – 4:30
Diolch i chi gyd am eich cyfraniadau diolchgarwch – 25 o fagiau wedi eu casglu ar gyfer banc bwyd Casnewydd. Braf oedd cael cwmni cymaint ohonoch yn y disco a diolch am eich help gyda’r gwaith peintio a phlannu. Fe fydd diweddariad ar ein gwefan maes o law am yr holl waith – cadwch lygad am ddatblygiadau’r ‘stafell borffor! Diolch am yr holl roddion o baent ar gyfer y gwaith peintio.
Hoffwn eich hysbysu am weithgareddau Menter Casnewydd yn ystod yr hanner tymor :- Clwb Sbort a Sbri – Dydd Llun i Ddydd Gwener a hefyd Sesiwn Stori Darllen Difyr bore Llun yn y Llyfrgell Ganolog rhwng 10 ac 11. Mae’r wybodaeth i gyd ar wefan y Fenter sef ac ar ei tudalen Facebook hefyd. Ffonio 07970 304219 am wybodaeth. Mwynhewch y Gwyliau!
Dear Parents / Guardians,
Just a reminder that there is no school for children on the 4th and 5th of November, children return on Wednesday the 6th of November. Remember to send an envelope on Monday morning the 6th of November along with your order for the following week. Free School Dinners:- You will need to send a note to request your child’s choice of a main meal a week in advance as above. The children will be bringing their PE kit home today they must be returned after half term.
Remember 12/11/13 – Ffrindiau Activity – Bed Time Stories 3:30 – 4:30.
Thank you very much for your thanksgiving contributions – 25 bags were collected for the Newport Food Bank. It was a joy to have the company of so many families at the disco and thanks for all your help with the painting and planting work. There will be updates soon on our website about all the work – look out for developments on the purple room! Thank you for all the paint that has been donated!
We would like to notify you of Menter Casnewydd’s activities during the half term :- Sbort a Sbri Club – Monday to Friday as well as a story session on Monday morning in the central library between 10 and 11. All the information is on their website as well as their Facebook page. Phone 07970 304219 for further details. Enjoy the Holidays!
Yr eiddoch yn gywir, Yours Sincerely
Mrs Lona Jones-Campbell (Pennaeth / Head Teacher)
Nodyn i’ch atgoffa – Trefnidau Archebu Cinio YSGOL / Reminder – Ordering School Dinners Arrangements
Nodyn i’ch atgoffa – TREFNIDAU ARCHEBU CINIO YSGOL – 2 amlen ar 21/10/13
Reminder – ORDERING SCHOOL DINNERS ARRANGEMENTS – 2 envelopes on 21/10/13
Annwyl Rieni / Warchodwyr,
Amlen 1 – amlen arian cinio ar gyfer yr wythnos 21ain -25ain o Hydref.
2 – amlen yn cynnwys arian yr wythnos ar ôl hanner tymor 6ed -8fed o
Dachwedd a thaflen archebu. Mae Chartwells wedi darparu y daflen archebu
atodol ar eich cyfer. Defnyddiwch rhain yn hytrach nag ysgrifennu ar yr
amlenni oherwydd weithiau mae dwr yn colli ar yr amlenni ac yna mae’r
inc yn rhedeg, Torri’r wythnos berthnasol a nodi dewis eich plentyn a’i
/enw.**Plant Cinio am Ddim :- Fe fydd angen i chi nodi dewis eich plant
ar y bonyn bwydlen a’i ddanfon mewn amlen.
Dear Parents / Guardians,
Envelope 1 – school dinners money in an envelope for the week 21st – 25th of October.
2 – envelope containing money for the week after half term the 6th –
8th of November with menu slip. Chartwells have provided you with the
attached order form. Use these rather than writing on the envelopes as
water gets on the envelopes and the ink will start to run. Cut out the
relevant week and record your child’s name and choice of meal.Free
School Dinners:- You will need to record your child’s choice of a main
meal a week in advance as above.
Cofiwch / Remember – 24/10/13 -Disgo – Disco – Ffrinidau Ysgol Gymraeg Bro Teyrnon- 3:30- 4:30
Yr eiddoch yn gywir, Yours Sincerely,
Mrs Lona Jones-Campbell (Pennaeth / Head Teacher)
Annwyl Rieni /Warchodwyr,
Rydyn ni’n mynd i symud i system o archebu cinio wythnos ‘mlaen llaw. Ar hyn o bryd mae’r gegin yn darparu dewis o ddau bryd sydd ar y fwydlen ond mae’n amhosib sicrhau bod pawb yn cael eu dewis cyntaf oherwydd fe fydde hyn yn golygu llawer o wastraff bwyd. Trefniadau :- Ar Ddydd Llun yr 21ain o Hydref fe fydd angen i chi :-
- ddanfon amlen cinio ar fore Ddydd Llun ar gyfer yr wythnos 21ain -25ain o Hydref;
- ddanfon amlen arall yn cynnwys arian yr wythnos ar ôl hanner tymor 6ed -8fed o Dachwedd. Mae’n rhaid i chi ‘sgrifennu ar yr amlen beth yw dewis eich plentyn ar gyfer pob diwrnod maent am gael cinio ysgol neu fe allwch chi argraffu’r daflen sydd ar ochr arall y llythyr hwn o wefan yr ysgol;
- o hynny ‘mlaen fe fyddwch yn danfon amlen bob bore Llun wythnos ‘mlaen llaw gan nodi dewis eich plentyn. Ni fydd modd archebu cinio yng nghanol yr wythnos – mae hyn ‘run peth a’r trefniadau presennol .
Plant cinio am Ddim :- Fe fydd angen i chi ddanfon nodyn i ddweud pa fwyd mae eich plentyn am gael wythnos ‘mlaen llaw fel uchod. Gwerthfawrogwn fod angen talu am bythefnos ar yr un pryd ond dyma pam rydyn ni wedi cychwyn y trefniadau ar ôl hanner tymor oherwydd bod yna 2 ddiwrnod hyfforddiant mewn swydd sy’n golygu wythnos fer o 3 diwrnod.
Dear Parent / Guardians,
We are moving to a school dinners pre-ordering system. Currently the kitchen prepares the two options that are on the menu but it is impossible to ensure everyone has their first choice because this would mean a significant amount of food waste. Arrangements: – On Monday the 21st of October you will need to :-
- send an envelope on Monday morning for the week 21st -25th of October;
- send another envelope containing money for the week after half term the 6th -8th of November. You must write on the envelope what is your child’s choice for every day they wish to have school dinners or you can print the form that is on the reverse of this letter from the school website;
- from then on send an envelope every Monday a week in advance and note your child’s choice. You will not be able to order meals mid-week – this is the same as the current arrangements.
Free School Dinners:- You will need to send a note to request your child’s choice of a main meal a week in advance as above. We appreciate that you need to pay for a fortnight at the same time but this is why we are implementing the changes after half term as there are two teacher training days, which means there is a short week of three days.
Cofiwch ein bod yn casglu bwyd ar gyfer Banc Bwyd Casnewydd yr wythnos hon.
Remember we are collecting food for the Newport Food Bank this week.
Yr eiddoch yn gywir, Yours Sincerely,
Mrs Lona Jones-Campbell
(Pennaeth / Head Teacher)
Prosiect Dylunio Coeden Nadolig / Christmas Tree Design Project
Annwyl Rieni /Warchodwyr,
Rydyn ni’n ffodus iawn i fod yn rhan o brosiect celf i greu coeden Nadolig. Mae 10 ysgol yn rhan o’r prosiect ac fe fydd pob un ysgol yn creu coeden ac yna fe fyddant yn cael eu harddangos yn y ddinas. Fe fydd artist yn ymweld â’r ysgol i weithio gyda’r plant. Hoffwn i bawb gael cyfle i gyflwyno eu syniadau ac yna fe fydd y plant y Cyngor Ysgol yn cael cyfle i ddewis rhestr fer ar gyfer yr artist. Rydyn ni wedi gosod templed ar gefn y llythyr i chi nodi eich syniadau. Ewch ati i nodi eich syniadau ac edrychwn ymlaen at fynd ar helfa goed Nadolig. Os hoffech chi gyflwyno nifer o syniadau ma’ hynny’ iawn hefyd. Nodwch eich enw ar y llinell ar waelod y templed.
Dychwelwch eich syniadau erbyn Dydd Llun yr 21ain o Hydref os gwelwch yn dda.
Dear Parents / Guardians,
We’re very fortunate to be part of a funded art project to create
a Christmas tree. 10 schools are part of the project and each school
will create a Christmas tree and they will be displayed in the city. An
artist will visit the school to work with the children. We would like
everyone to have the opportunity to contribute their ideas and the
children will then short list designs for the artist. We’ve included a
template on the back of this letter for you to record your designs.
Record all your ideas and we’ll look forward to go on a Christmas tree
trail. If you would like to present many designs – more the merrier.
Note your name on the line underneath the template.
Please return your ideas by Monday the 21st of October.
Diolch am eich cefnogaeth,
Thank you for your support,
Mrs Lona Jones-Campbell (Pennaeth / Head Teacher)
Annwyl Rieni/Warchodwyr, Rydyn ni angen eich cymorth gyda’r canlynol:-
• Peintio Ystafell Ddosbarth yn ystod y pythefnos nesaf sef Hydref 14eg – 26ain. Rydyn ni angen eich help i baratoi’r ‘stafell borffor ar gyfer cael ei pheintio ynghyd a’i pheintio’n lliw hufen. Mae’r gofalwr wedi body n brysur yn cychwyn gyda’r gwaith paratoi. Fe fyddwn wir yn gwerthfawrogi cyfraniadau o baent magnel.
• Garddio – Paratoi ardal ar gyfer plannu hadau blodau gwyllt – yn ystod y bythefnos nesaf yn ogystal â chefnogaeth hir dymor gyda phrosiectau garddio.
• Peintio’r Tŷ Bach Twt Pren – Mae’r paent yn yr ysgol yn barod dyna gyd sydd angen nawr yw oedolion i ddod gyda’i brwsys.
Os allwch chi helpu e-bostiwch / ffoniwch yr ysgol i gadarnhau pryd allwch chi ddod i helpu.
Dear Parents / Guardians, We require your help with the following:-
Painting a Classroom this week and next week – October 14th – 26th. We
require help to prepare the purple room for painting as well as painting
the room magnolia. The caretaker has been very busy starting with the
work of preparing the room but we need some assistance. Donations of
magnolia paint would be very much appreciated.
• Gardening –
Preparing a piece of land to plant wild flower seeds during the next
fortnight as well as long term gardening support.
• Paint the little wooden house – We’ve purchased the paint that’s all we require are adults to come with their paint brushes.
If you can help e-mail / phone the school to confirm when you can come and help.
Diolch am eich cefnogaeth, Thank you for your support,
Mrs Lona Jones-Campbell (Pennaeth / Head Teacher)