Newyddion PWYSIG – Newidiadau I Drefnidau Archebu Cinio Ysgol / Important News – Changes to Ordering School Dinners Arrangements



Annwyl  Rieni /Warchodwyr, 

Rydyn ni’n mynd i symud i system o archebu cinio wythnos ‘mlaen llaw. Ar hyn o bryd mae’r gegin yn darparu dewis o ddau bryd sydd ar y fwydlen ond mae’n amhosib sicrhau bod pawb yn cael eu dewis cyntaf oherwydd  fe fydde hyn yn golygu llawer o wastraff bwyd. Trefniadau :- Ar Ddydd Llun yr 21ain o Hydref fe fydd angen i chi :-

  1. ddanfon amlen cinio ar fore Ddydd Llun ar gyfer yr wythnos 21ain -25ain o Hydref;
  2. ddanfon amlen arall yn cynnwys arian yr wythnos ar ôl hanner tymor 6ed -8fed o Dachwedd. Mae’n rhaid i chi ‘sgrifennu ar yr amlen beth yw dewis eich plentyn ar gyfer pob diwrnod maent am gael cinio ysgol neu fe allwch chi argraffu’r daflen sydd ar ochr arall y llythyr hwn o wefan yr ysgol;
  3. o hynny ‘mlaen fe fyddwch yn danfon amlen bob bore Llun wythnos ‘mlaen llaw gan nodi dewis eich plentyn. Ni fydd modd archebu cinio yng nghanol yr wythnos – mae hyn ‘run peth a’r trefniadau presennol .

Plant cinio am Ddim :- Fe fydd angen i chi ddanfon nodyn i ddweud pa fwyd mae eich plentyn am gael wythnos ‘mlaen llaw fel uchod. Gwerthfawrogwn fod angen talu am bythefnos ar yr un pryd ond dyma pam rydyn ni wedi cychwyn y trefniadau ar ôl hanner tymor oherwydd bod yna 2 ddiwrnod hyfforddiant mewn swydd sy’n golygu wythnos fer o  3 diwrnod.

Dear Parent / Guardians,                                                                          

We are moving to a school dinners pre-ordering system. Currently the kitchen prepares the two options that are on the menu but it is impossible to ensure everyone has their first choice because this would mean a significant amount of food waste. Arrangements: – On Monday the 21st of October you will need to :-

  1. send an envelope on Monday morning for the week  21st  -25th  of October;
  2. send another envelope containing money for the week after half term the 6th -8th  of November. You must write on the envelope what is your child’s choice for every day they wish to have school dinners or you can print the form that is on the reverse of this letter from the school website;
  3. from then on send an envelope every Monday a week in advance and note your child’s choice. You will not be able to order meals mid-week – this is the same as the current arrangements.

Free School Dinners:- You will need to send a note to request your child’s choice of a main meal a week in advance as above. We appreciate that you need to pay for a fortnight at the same time but this is why we are implementing the changes after half term as there are two teacher training days, which means there is a short week of three days.

Cofiwch ein bod yn casglu bwyd ar gyfer Banc Bwyd Casnewydd yr wythnos hon.    

Remember we are collecting food for the Newport Food Bank this week.

Yr eiddoch yn gywir,        Yours Sincerely,                                    

Mrs Lona Jones-Campbell
(Pennaeth / Head Teacher)